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Oatcake Recipe


Oatcake Recipe

To make a dozen Oatcakes:


8 oz (225g) fine ground oatmeal
4 oz (100g) wholemeal flour
4 oz (100g) plain flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
½ oz (15g) fresh yeast or 1 tbsp dried yeast
½ pint (450ml) lukewarm water
½ pint (450ml) lukewarm milk
Vegetable oil
A Typical Oatcake


  1. With a wooden spoon, work the yeast into ½ pint (150ml) of the milk.
  2. Add the sugar to the yeast mixture.
  3. Leave the solution in a warm place for 10 to 15 minutes until frothy.
  4. Sieve the flour and salt together into a warmed bowl.
  5. In another bowl, stir the oatmeal then add it to the flour and salt, mixing well.
  6. Add the remaining milk and water to the yeast mixture.
  7. Gradually beat the liquid into the dry ingredients.
  8. Cover the mix with a warm clean damp cloth or lightly oiled clingfilm.
  9. Leave to stand in a warm place for one hour.

Cooking Method

  1. Pour or ladle some of the mixture into the centre of a non-stick frying pan.
  2. Spread with the back of the ladle.
  3. At the right temperature, bubbles form. These burst, leaving the characteristic holes of the oatcake face.
  4. Loosen with a spatula and cook until browned.
  5. Flip, or toss like a pancake, then press down lightly.
  6. When cooked through, place the oatcake on a wire rack over a bowl of cold water.
  7. Cool until the next is ready and then stack.
  8. Serve with almost anything.

There are several variations to this recipe, but this forms the basis of a typical Oatcake.

Serving Suggestions

  1. Roll up some grated cheese, cooked bacon, tomato and cooked mushrooms in an oatcake and microwave it on full for about a minute.
  2. Use big chunks instead of grated cheese.
  3. Grill them instead of using a microwave.
  4. Eat them cold.
  5. Serve with jam.
  6. Eat plain.

These are just a few suggestions. The best way to find your ideal serving suggestion is to experiment with anything as a filling!