The tale of "Olly The Oatcake" is set in the early part of the
twentieth century and tells the story of how a magical "walking, talking Oatcake" emerges
in Stoke-On-Trent and develops a lasting friendship with his "makers", Tommy and Elizabeth,
the children of the local Oatcake baker.
Tommy and Elizabeth
Live above a shop,
Across from Lawson's Pottery
(Where all the buses stop).
Close by there is a grocer's store:
Baked beans, cheese or milk,
And further on a tailor's store:
Cotton, tweed or silk.
Next door there stands a butcher's shop:
Pig pud, pork and steak.
But Tom and Liz's mum and dad
Bake the famous 'Stoke Oatcake'.
The friendship between Tommy, Elizabeth and Olly grows, but is threatened by the evil Polly
the Pikelet Pirate who sets out to steal the secret recipe.
And with her special Pirate Key
She opened up the lock;
They crept inside and hid behind
The trays of oatmeal stock.
And there lay Olly resting,
Upon the cooling rack.
With all their might they picked him up
And dropped him in their sack.
They hurried out the doorway
(So afraid was Olly!)
They wheeled him off up Penkhull bank
On the back of a three-wheeled trolley.
"Olly The Oatcake" copyright ©1989-2021 Neil Banks, All Rights Reserved. Images copyright Dominic Cooper.
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